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Image by Nathan Dumlao

The Witch's Cabin

The strange cat had gone - he still couldn't believe they had all become cats - and Evren was left to rest on their lonesome. As he lay down he could hear soft rummaging in the adjacent room, a strong smell of herbs soon wafting through the air. As they lay on the old but comfortable and moss-covered bed, Evren quickly drifted off to sleep...


His rest was dreamless, yet filled with a strange sense he couldn't quite place. They weren't sure how much time had passed when they awoke with a start, but the room was just as dimly lit and the forest looked just as dark when they peeked through the tainted glass window, as if no time had passed at all. Evren gulped; the other room had grown mostly silent. Had the cat gone?


They swept their gaze around the room, different knickknacks catching their attention. Most of all, his eyes fell on an open shelf carved into what seemed to be the trunk of a large and likely old tree. The glimmer of shiny rocks, the sight of freshly gathered golden flowers, a book full of unknown contents...


His tail swept by the dried herbs hanging from the wall, walking towards the shelf. Curiously, they reached out to touch ---



Mini Game

Click the object and see what you find!

Proceed at any time; note, there are 8 things to explore and find within the above image.

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