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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

The Witch's Cabin

You found...

A vase!

Evren was unsure what brought him to inspect the vase, and yet, when they looked inside they were surprised to find it was not empty: instead of it being filled with water and flowers, Evren found an evidently old, rolled up piece of paper. A letter, they found upon closer inspection after taking it out, one that dated to several months back and appeared to never have been sent. Truthfully, they knew they shouldn't, but curiosity had always been on of their many vices. He began to read:



Dear Mama,


I am aware that it has been some time since I last wrote you, and I apologise for that. I know you are busy with your duties, and as such I will not expect a response. Even so, if you do write a reply, I shall await it with patience and care, as I always do.


I am equally aware that you must be busy caring for my younger siblings and their education. I feel required to ask, are they well?

Most importantly, are you well? And Miss Grandmama?


I have been studying diligently under this new role I have been given. I admit, it was a surprise and quite unexpected. But I shall not complain. I am grateful for the opportunities I have received. I do not intend on wasting opportune time, nor do I wish to disappoint you or Miss Grandmama.


My studies are my main priority, and it is with my sincerest intent that I say I wish to bring pride to you and Miss Grandmama, and to our family name.






And, mama, if I may speak frankly for a moment; I do apologise if it is out of line. I have accepted to travel for my studies without complaint, and I cherish this chance to learn beyond our borders. But I do so miss home, just as I miss Miss Grandmama, and just as I miss you.


I am used to seeing little of you, but being as far such as this has proven to be a different challenge all together. I find myself yearning for the comforts of home more often than I should like to admit, and I hope to see you again soon, as I do Miss Grandmama. And I suppose I ought to visit the rest of my siblings, should they have me, though I hold doubt in that regard.


I know our conversation some moons ago was rough. I appreciate that you revealed the truth just as I wish that you never withheld it at all. But, those are matters of the past. I do not wish to continue living with a bitter relation regarding you, and therefore send you my most distinguished apologies for all that I said.


I wish to resume our relationship as it once was; I wish to return to you, much like you had promised to always return to me. I hold that promise dear to my heart, mama, and hope you will hold mine close to yours too. I do not make promises, not normally; but I do swear that love and admiration is all I will ever feel for you, mama; you are the only mama for me, and I would chose you in every lifetime I am gifted.


In the hopes of crossing your path soon, with much love,


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