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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

The Witch's Cabin

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Eyes fell on the colourful, shimmering stones at the bottom of the shelf. Curiously, Evren took each one between their paws, observing them with a careful eye.


One, the pink, was light and engraved with symbols and signs he could not decipher - a secret language, perhaps? Incantations of old, spells and chants long forgotten by the mortal plane? They couldn't tell, yet its mystery gripped their mind.


Their eyes moved to the blue stone, just as shimmery and bright, yet heavy between his paws. This one was engraved with a script he recognised; one he almost thought they could read, if it were not for the difference in language. This one appeared more contemporary than its precedent, heavier and larger, allowing more room for the unknown words engraved within the stone.


He wondered, what messages did it hold, what secrets did it reveal? Did it hold prophecies and omens of a future or past day, or were they simply mere tools?

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