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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

The Witch's Cabin

You found...

The black cat!

Oh... Evren's eyes widened. It was a fleeting presence, barely noticeable, but they saw it: the black cat.


Evren was stunned for a moment, uncertain what to think of this apparition. He had heard the stories, they knew them all to well. Some said:


Those who see the black cat, fleeting and fast, shall face great misfortunate.


And yet, others contradicted:


Those whom encounter the black cat's spirit, joyful and mysterious, are bound to good fortune in their coming days!


The black cat; as big a mystery as any - a bringer of good fortune and misfortune, it all depended on who you asked.


Evren blinked, pondering;


The black cat is not always what it seems, a contradiction or symbol of balance; so what, stars tell, secrets does it keep?


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