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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

The Witch's Cabin

You found...

An old wooden box!

Evren knew they shouldn't. It was a closed box on the top of a shelf for a reason, and besides, it would be difficult reaching it with these paws. And yet... They were so curious. The wooden box had no lock, and it looked old and tattered, as if it had been there for a long time, and was frequently in use, being opened and closed.


He tried to resist, really, but with silence on the other side of the door, curiosity got the better of them. Standing on tip-toes, they pushed the box off the shelf, marvelling at its intricate wooden structure. Tentatively, they opened the box - the box that, despite its wear and tear, had clearly always been treated with great care.


Evren was surprised by what they found inside. Papers upon papers filled with delicate writing filled this box to the brim, held down only by the weight of the lid, the writings now piling out.


Astounded, Evren picked up the thin pieces of paper, looking over them carefully. Each and every single piece was filled with diagrams of various plants, writings on each of their uses, theories of how well they worked dried-out, how they could be mixed, and what a handful of unknown herbs might do. Even some notes on the possibilities of a garden in these dark woods were scattered about among the plentiful and thorough research notes.


Evren blinked, thoroughly surprised by the in-depth research done on each and every plant described on these papers, some of these present within the room they resided in. As they lifted the papers to take a closer look, Evren was startled by a few bundled pieces of paper falling to the ground.


They looked down, picking up the bundle he hadn't seen before, and was surprised to find these weren't notes on different plants, but songs. Notes and lyrics to songs they did not know; flipping through the various lyrical songs, some felt light and almost pure, while others more daunting and with an air of mystery. What did these mean?


On a last piece of paper Evren seems to have found a guide. Perhaps this will come in use later?

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