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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Video Guide

No Longer You



Cover used

Make sure to turn the volume on in the bottom right corner of the video!



Blue-blob characters featured in order or appearance:

Lostspark and Darkfall.

Cinderpaw's leg followed by Daykit.

Icestar and Hailstorm followed by Fablespinner and Owlet.


Nightshade plant.

A dying cat.




Nightshiver (light) and some unidentified cats (dark).

White-lined Grousepaw.

Snowdrop and Bleedingkit/paw/warrior pre and post blinding.

Unidentified cat Vs. a badger.

Hornetpaw and Moonpaw.




Other characters:

Lined cat you see the most is Sleepypaw.

Angry lined cat is no one in specific.

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