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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Chapter 1, written


If you are here, it means the visual novel on cloudnovel did not load properly, or at all. Unfortunately, CloudNovel likes to give me trouble in the form of sprites not loading correctly, which causes the full novel to break. Hence, this extra page was made so you can still read through the story! Unfortunately, this version will lack most of the different expressions. Enjoy < 3

Welcome to Dance Macabre, please select a character.


Path A: Evren.


Evren is a nineteen year old baker’s son and apprentice, living with his family in a small town in the kingdom of Umelia.

They use He/Him and They/Them pronouns.


Near this village lays a large forest subject to local myths due to the many strange happenings within its branches.

Only the most daring are said to enter this forest. And among them, is Evren. But not everything goes as planned...



Path B: Ezebel.

This character is currently locked, please choose another.



Path C: Hyren.

This character is currently locked, please choose another.



Scene: a dark and gloomy forest.

Evren: Huh?

Narrator: It was dark and gloomy, and Evren couldn’t recognise where he had awoken – nor could they remember what had happened or how they got here. He looked around in confusion, until his eyes landed on a dark figure.

Evren: Who… are you? Where am I? What am I? What are--

Unknown… Cat?: Too loud. What’s your name?


Path A: Evren…

Evren: Evren…

Unknown… Cat?: Come with me… Evren.

Evren: Where to?

Narrator: The being does not answer. Instead, she begins walking deeper into the misty forest. Evren raises their voice.

Evren: Where to? - !

Narrator: She looks over her shoulder, imploring them to follow.


Path 1: Follow.

Narrator: With no other choice, Evren cautiously follows the… Cat.


Path 2: Don’t follow.

Unknown… Cat?: You’ll die out here.

Narrator: With no other choice, Evren cautiously follows the… Cat.



Path B: Who are you calling loud?!

Evren: Loud? Who’re you calling loud?!

Narrator: Evren retorts, but catches a flash of irritation across the stranger’s face.

Unknown… Cat?: ...Suit yourself.

Narrator: She slowly begins to walk away. All alone, Evren is struck by a wave of fear – of doom.

Evren: H-hey… Wait!

Narrator: He calls out, but she doesn’t seem to respond.

Evren: I’m – sorry…

Narrator: She stops, and turns around to face him once more.

Unknown… Cat?: Come.

Narrator: With no where else to go, Evren follows.



Path C: Run away.

Narrator: A cat… That as a talking cat! Evren couldn’t believe his eyes. They had heard stories of these woods and the dangers it held. But never of a talking cat! Before he knew what he was doing, Evren had pushed himself upright and began to run. Run and run, deeper and deeper into the forest he did not recognise – anywhere away from the strange dream.

Unknown… Cat?: Hey… Wait - !

Narrator: He heard the voice call after him, but only kept running, the stranger disappearing into the background. He ran and ran, faster and faster until his legs could no longer carry them. Legs… He looked down, abruptly halting in place as their eyes went wide and he stifled a scream. Paws! PAWS! Evren had turned into a cat! What kind of nightmare is this?!

Unknown… Cat?: This is no nightmare.

Narrator: A familiar voice sounded. They froze, turning around to see the same cat as before, entirely unfazed.

Evren: How…?

Unknown… Cat?: Come. You will get hurt like that.

Narrator: How did she find him so quickly…?

Evren: You’re not going to… Eat me, are you?

Narrator: Her brows knit in confusion, a sharp look emanating from her eyes before it faded.

Unknown… Cat?: No.

Narrator: He still felt uncertain, frightened, if anything. But with nowhere else to go… What other choice did they have?



Scene: A cozy cabin built into the corner of a tree.

Unknown… Cat?: Sit here.

Narrator: Obeying, Evren seats themselves on a nearby bed, overlooking the cabin that was built into the corner of a tree.

Evren: Erm… Who… Are you? Where am I? Why...-

Selene / Sleepypaw: Your world will know me as Selene… Here, I am Sleepypaw.

Evren: Selene… Like…

Selene / Sleepypaw: Hm.

Evren: Why are we..-

Selene / Sleepypaw: Eat this.

Narrator: Evren hadn’t noticed, but the strange cat had gathered together what they could recognise as small marigold flowers, and was now offering them a black seed.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Poppy. Eat.

Narrator: She stated plainly, a dull gaze meeting their eyes. Evren hesitated, but upon her imploring look, finally obeyed. He took the seed in paw, swallowing it seconds after.

Selene / Sleepypaw: It helps.


Path A: Ask why he’s a cat.

Evren: So… Why are we… Cats?

Narrator: Sleepypaw gave a mild shrug. They couldn’t tell if Selene… Sleepypaw didn’t want to answer their question, or if she was too focused on what she was doing with the flowers.

Evren: Ow!

Selene / Sleepypaw: Hm…?

Narrator: Her eyes seemed to widen slightly.

Evren: What was…?

Narrator: Evren touches his paw to his head, surprised to feel something mushy and soft.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Don’t touch that.

Narrator: She swats their paw away before reaching for some cobwebs on the shelf.

Evren: Oh… I can-

Selene / Sleepypaw: I can.

Narrator: She retorts before they can help her, taking the cobwebs in paw and carefully placing them over the injury Evren hadn’t even noticed they had. She mumbled to herself.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Maybe… One poppy seed wasn’t enough…?

Narrator: Evren sits in silence, slightly clearing their throat after a few seconds. Sleepypaw had finished placing the cobwebs and was cleaning her paws.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Oh… Fates work in mysterious ways.

Evren: What?

Selene / Sleepypaw: Your question. They don’t always make sense. You’ll be… Fine.

Evren: Very reassuring…

Selene / Sleepypaw: Hm… Rest. You need it.

Narrator: Evren hesitates, but lays down. Her eyes move towards them as if she wants to say something more, but decides not to. Sleepypaw disappears into a joint room, leaving Evren to rest on their own.



Path B: Ask about the herbs.

Narrator: Evren looks around, noting the abundance of herbs – both fresh and dried – hanging from the walls and resting upon shelves.

Evren: Ow!

Narrator: Evren flinches when he feels a cold poultice touch the wound on his head, his paw instinctively lifting but he does not touch it. When did he get hurt…? He focuses on Sleepypaw, that’s what she called herself, as she cleaned off her paws.

Evren: Do you even know how to use this stuff?

Narrator: She turns to look at Evren as if the answer were obvious.

Evren: Right… How?

Narrator: She shrugs, looking thoughtful for a moment.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Moss…

Evren: Who?

Selene / Sleepypaw: … Milo … Adair. That’s how you know him.

Narrator: Evren sits up in surprise, eyes wide.

Evren: THE Milo Adair? What’s he like??

Narrator: The feline glances sideways again, remaining silent for several seconds as if in deep contemplation. She looked a little uncomfortable, if anything; as if she didn’t know how to answer or what to think.

Selene / Sleepypaw: He’s… He.. can heal.

Evren: He… Can heal?

Narrator: Evren raises an eyebrow, pouting.

Evren: Don’t you have anything more to say about him?

Narrator: She was silent again, looking away.

Selene / Sleepypaw: ...Mama likes him. I love mama.

Narrator: Evren looks at her quizzically.

Selene / Sleepypaw: I work…

Narrator: She tails off, words left hanging in the air. Evren could almost feel what she was going to say – was she working for her family’s love? But he couldn’t be certain, she said not a word. Instead, piercing blue eyes came to stare at him.

Selene / Sleepypaw: You ask a lot of questions.

Narrator: She states plainly, almost as if asking herself: was this behaviour normal? Evren awkwardly chuckles.

Selene / Sleepypaw: You should rest. The hit to your head was bad.

Narrator: Evren nods slowly, sitting back.

Evren: Right…

Selene / Sleepypaw: You can call. If it hurts… Or you need me.

Narrator: Evren nods in confirmation, giving a small smile – that didn’t seem to be reciprocated – before Sleepypaw left the room.



Path C: Ask about the place.

Evren: So… This Place…

Narrator: Evren begins, but is quickly silenced by Sleepypaw’s quizzical look.

Selene / Sleepypaw: ..My home?


Path 1: It’s nice.

Evren: It’s a uh… Nice place! Is that, erm, a real tree?

Narrator: Sleepypaw stops what she was doing – making a marigold poultice – to look at the tree for a moment, a subtle curiosity about this interaction. Finally, she lightly nods, stating plainly.

Selene / Sleepypaw: It is.

Evren: Nice! Nice…


Path 2: Stay silent.

[No additional dialogue.]



Narrator: Evren clears their throat, momentarily glancing away to avoid her inquisitive gaze. Seemingly ignoring Evren’s antics – or lack thereof – she continues to work on the poultice until it’s done.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Sting.

Narrator: Sleepypaw states as a warning, reaching up to treat the baker’s child’s head wound with the poultice, locking it in place with cobwebs. Luckily the wound had been proper and in little need of additional cleaning.

Selene / Sleepypaw: It will heal.

Narrator: The young apprentice states, and Evren could swear they nearly caught the slightest glimpse of what could be a smile…? Gone as quickly as it came.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Rest. I’ll be in the other room.

Narrator: Evren nods and with that, they were left alone in this strange place.



Narrator: … …. Chapter 1 cleared. You may proceed to the mini game.

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