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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Chapter 2, written


If you are here, it means the visual novel on cloudnovel did not load properly, or at all. Unfortunately, CloudNovel likes to give me trouble in the form of sprites not loading correctly, which causes the full novel to break. Hence, this extra page was made so you can still read through the story! Unfortunately, this version will lack most of the different expressions. Enjoy < 3

Narrator: Evren’s paws run past the various objects, his eyes watch each of their intricacies. Suddenly, a voice sounds.

Selene / Sleepypaw: What are you doing?

Narrator: Evren turns around with a start; they hadn’t heard Sleepypaw return, she looked unhappy.

Evren: Ah, sorry! I was feeling better and couldn’t help but look around…

Selene / Sleepypaw: Don’t… Don’t do that.

Narrator: She was silent for a few moments, as was Evren.


Path 1: Speak up.

Evren: Sorry… I didn’t mean to intrude.


Path 2: Say nothing.

[No additional dialogue.]



Selene / Sleepypaw: There are things here you… shouldn’t touch.

Narrator: She suddenly said quite a bit quieter. Silence fell over them again as Sleepypaw ushered forth. She carefully inspected the contents of the shelf while Evren awkwardly waited; it seems as though she was checking for anything that was missing of had been misplaced.

Selene / Sleepypaw: How is your head?

Evren: It’s… Alright.

Selene / Sleepypaw: … Pain?

Evren: No, not really.

Narrator: She hummed to herself, seemingly in thought.

Evren: Hey, what’s that feather-nacklace.. thing about anyway? It’s a grouse’s feather, right?

Selene / Sleepypaw: Oh…

Narrator: It was strange, her reaction was a mixture of disinterest and what seemed to be mild annoyance… Or was she uncomfortable?

Selene / Sleepypaw: Why?

Evren: I was just curious, it’s fine if-

Selene / Sleepypaw: It’s for a friend.

Narrator: Evren blinked, almost surprised, but nodded. They sat back down on the bed, observing Sleepypaw carefully.

Evren: So… When can I go home? My family will be waiting for me.

Narrator. She was silent; almost looked indifferent.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Oh. You can’t.


Path A: Get mad.

Evren: I can’t?! What do you mean I can’t?! You can’t keep me here!

Selene / Sleepypaw: ...Done?

Evren: This is madness.

Narrator: Evren got up and hurried towards the door, Sleepypaw watched them go.

Selene / Sleepypaw: Explain.

Evren: Explain? You’ve got stuff to explain if anything!

Selene / Sleepypaw: … I would. But you’re.. too loud.

Evren: You’re insufferable. I’m leaving.

Selene / Sleepypaw: You can’t.

Narrator: She repeated again, but Evren opened to door to leave. Only to find nothing on the other side. Just emptiness. A void.

Evren: How… Did you do this?!

Narrator: His face grew pale, and Sleepypaw continued.

Selene / Sleepypaw: I would explain… If you let me. But you speak a lot. So I couldn’t. Sit. Listen.


Path B: Be confused.

Evren: I… Can’t leave? What do you mean “I can’t”, why can’t I leave?

Selene / Sleepypaw: It’s…

Evren: It’s what?

Selene / Sleepypaw: … Complicated.

Evren: How…? How is it complicated? Can I not leave tonight, or… Or are you keeping me hostage? What’s going on?

Selene / Sleepypaw: … … It depends.

Evren: What?

Selene / Sleepypaw: Look outside.

Evren: ...It’s just a forest. (A dark and creepy one, that is).

Selene / Sleepypaw: The time hasn’t changed. But you were asleep for hours.

Evren: How is that possible?

Narrator: Evren looks at Sleepypaw quizzically. She exhales in turn.



Selene / Sleepypaw: Do you… Want the truth? I don’t… I can’t always tell the truth.. in these situations. But you… I think I can tell you.

Evren: What do you mean, “the truth”..?

Selene / Sleepypaw: Do you want it?

Evren: ...Yes?

Selene / Sleepypaw: You’re dead.


Path 1: What?

Evren: What? You’re talking nonsense.

Selene / Sleepypaw: I’m not.


Path 2: I’m… Dead?

Evren: I’m… Dead?

Narrator: Sleepypaw nodded, subtly.

Evren: But… How? How… How can I be dead, you- you healed me, didn’t you? How are you even here if I’m dead? - !

Narrator: Panic filled Evren’s voice, Sleepypaw momentarily looked away. Evren glanced through the stained glass window, saying nothing as Sleepypaw stood quietly, letting them process the information.

Evren: You’re not just talking nonsense… Are you?

Narrator: He finally said in disbelief. Sleepypaw slowly shook her head.

Evren: I’m… Dead…



Selene / Sleepypaw: Well… Sort of.

Narrator: Evren looked up, confused.

Selene / Sleepypaw: This.. Isn’t a mortal plane, this place. I am here, in spirit. So are you. And you, you are… Between life and death, precisely. I get to save you, or kill you. I have to decide.




Narrator: … …. Chapter 2 cleared. You may proceed.

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