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The all-seeing eye

Code Name: REVERIE

As characters grow, the events surrounding their time both shape and change the character into whom they will someday be; ever altering, and ever growing, it is once again difficult to precisely predict how a character will be as they grow. However, one can theorize and have predestined ideas, a page to which this is dedicated.


Beginning with a more demure personality by day, and a far more spirited and wild personality by night, there are many ways she can grow. Grow to be all the more demure and obedient, or grow to be all the more wild and disobedient – though, most likely, both. The influences she is met by exceed more than just the events the clan goes through, and the interactions she is directly met with. On occasion she may say, “I am not alone in my mind”, and this largely stems from the conflicting feelings and opinions that arise under the circumstances of certain events. More about that further on.


Under the right circumstances, there is potential of her developing this opposition – if not aversion – to violence and battle, quite opposing her usual fighting antics. She has the potential to be a talented fighter, exploiting what she can, enjoying the thrill of a fight with a well-matched enemy. But what ought to happen when that fighting spirit is met with an increasing aversion to battle? “A fool’s errand” or “the language of those who wish to die”, she may call it, words strangely foreign yet also familiar to her, and a sentiment that may extend to family and those she is close to as she does not wish to lose them.


This offers the possibility of an actual struggle where her values and opinions oppose each other, possibly with the added pressure of clan expectations; her willingness to care and fight for WindClan never wavering, but her need and willingness for physical battles decreasing as she ages, prioritizing a verbal battle style – defensive fighting if she must, but still seeking the beat her opponents without the need to get into a physical fight. Just as much, she has the potential of seeking to hone her abilities to fight all the same, seeking challenge after challenge to progress further and faster even when her opinions and values begin to conflict. The way this develops depends on external influences and how she writes herself.


In a similar vein, there is a chance for the wild-side of her to grow calmer, more responsible and wise as time moves on. Turning into a cat willing to advice and help others when she can without doing the work for them – still able to teach them a lesson regardless, but less quick to move to more short-tempered methods. Indeed, her temper can be considered as rather short in her youth, but grows more patient as she ages. Overall, for however mild or unmannered she may seem in her youth – at least when the certain people are not looking – I see her maturing and growing wiser as she ages through a rambunctious route, if develop struggles tied to the truth she has to live with.


A more caring side starting to show, beginning to learn her own limits and the limits of others – beginning to recognise those; to learn from her surroundings and seek to settle into a more peaceful life, calming the quick-witted and wild nature. This spanning out over many, many moons as time goes on, as such changes are unlikely to happen over a short period of time. With the potential of being ever growing, some elements may not be reached until she is older of age. And naturally, some of these elements may drastically change depending on what actually happens IC as she lives.

"I am my mother's Savage Daughter, the one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones [...]"
- Sarah Hester Ross

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