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The all-seeing eye

Code Name: REVERIE

- Near death;

Upon first entering the world, she is first seen not breathing for the first or so minute of her life. There is virtually so obstruction, and miraculously she will take her first breath regardless of being stimulated to do so or not after momentary struggle. Though it may leave a fright to those involved, she will otherwise be perfectly healthy.


- When the water came to claim;

While out on patrol, she somehow finds herself fallen into a deeper pond of water. Unable to swim, she stands at risk of drowning when strange images begin the flash in her mind… What are those? It is confusing and disorienting, but leads to just enough instinct to keep herself afloat high enough to be fished out in a timely manner. These are one of the first signs that something is not quite as she would think it to be.


- A stranger in my mind;

As she grows, she often finds herself in an internal dialogue with herself. Inexplicably, this internal dialogue does not always quite feel like herself – she begins to almost see it as a secondary voice, though it is none other than the voice of her subconscious, advising herself as she walks through life.


- Hold me while we wait;

She never seems much worried about who her lineage is; granted, most often she wishes to carve her own path, be separated from who her mother is. Still, internally, she seeks Twilightstar’s approval more than anyones. Leopardsong always seems to be there, and Beastspark – though she may seek a relation with him – remains far more absent. Twilightstar, as an ever remaining presence and her mother regardless of what she or anyone might say, is someone whose approval she ultimately seeks. Someone with whom she ultimately wishes to forge a connection, a bond, but how ought she go about this when she is uncertain if Twilightstar may be accepting of her wilder side?


- To be the greatest, of all time;

Her ambition runs high. She enjoys a good challenge, and finds herself naturally talented in seeking out her surroundings – how will this portray? An expert tunneller, a mighty fighter? A skilled hunter, or crafty tracker? Once she finds her calling, though her talents may not be as varied as some, she seeks to be the ultimate best in it; because simply, she is.


- Forging friendships and forging bonds;

Regardless of how she may act, a close-nit group with either siblings and littermates or friends, or both, is an idea I’m rather keen on for her as she grows. A close little group of age-mates finding trouble, seeking challenges (or not), teasing each other and sticking together. Additionally, a close bond with her older siblings and littermates would be something quite lovely; with certain troubles facing the future, there is a possibility of her confiding in an older sibling, should the chance arise.

Wanderer's Lullaby, Adriana Figueroa

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