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The all-seeing eye

Code Name: ------

 Born to be an heir of beauty and serenity. 

Not everything is as meets the eye; she often wondered “I am not alone in my mind”, she often thought, “Who is it that speaks to me?”. Though she who speaks to her is none other than herself, her subconscious speaks from memories long forgotten – words once spoken to a young feline, now repeated in her own mind. But that young feline is not herself; the day she fell in the water, she saw something. She saw a watery, blurry world, a light shinning down and reflecting upon the sloshing water when the sensation of a paw beneath her belly and an odd, distorted voice belonging to a faceless cat told her to keep calm and paddle. Those words ensuring that she not drown until someone saved her from the water, and her world once again returned to what it has always been – nothingness.


These occurrences are not singular; more regularly as she ages, with all the more events, distorted thoughts, voices, and sights – distorted and long forgotten memories, memories not her own – seem to reach her mind. All the more it becomes apparent. Who is she?

Increasingly, she begins to treat these thoughts, these memories, as an element belonging to another; one that has somehow entered her mind. She does not understand, she speaks of this cat as though they were a whole other feline, uncertain whether they are a figment of an all too real imagination, or an actual reality that once existed. Whatever they tell her seems to ring true, whatever they show her seems to be of use, if anything to further her confusion.


It is something she may share with a trusted sibling. These memories, however broken and however confusing, but largely visual in her mind’s eye are the only thing ever giving her a glimpse into the world everyone else sees in their day to day life. She wonders, "Is that what it’s like?". Sometimes, those she trusts, she inquires about the visions those memories offer. She asks about what she sees, who she hears; strangers to herself and those she speaks to. These are curious happenings, shaping large elements of her life.


She seeks the thrill of a well-matched battle, but it is a fear induced by this other feline’s thoughts that works towards this aversion of physical fights, a creates a need to treasure whichever life she encounters. She lacks in tact and lives on the wilder side, when it is the influence of this previous cat leading her to realising to beauty and peace the world has to offer, and the importance of lending care towards those who need it, those important to her – it shows her how to appreciate what she has.


The happenings are a strange oddity to her; she doesn’t quite understand them, and yet, eventually the realisation comes upon. It is not just a cat living within her mind – it is not at all a cat living within her mind. She is that cat; the memories, theoretically, are as much her own as they are the other’s. Because she is the other, this is not her first life. She is Lamia. She is her reincarnation.

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