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Lavender sways in the wind, soft scents carrying around the prairie. The face of a feline stands covered by shade, a warm smile spreads across their face. They look up, and you wonder, what secrets do you keep? One so gentle, one so true; are you a player or a fool?

XX Nephele.
XX Afab Non-Binary, They/Them.
XX 11 moons.
XX Claw.
XX Dark lilac classic tabby with pale green eyes.

Nephele, nymph of the clouds. A caring feline with a joker's touch, and the mindfulness to see their ideas through; descendant of a long and ancient line of Atari members, a family well-known within the crag. And yet, a single mystery - or more? - said to surround this healer's family, a secret kept from Crown and fellow. But are the rumours true? Apart from the scrutiny of those who believe mere chatter, Nephele knows to carve their place in the Atari, gently caring for the sick and hurt. Appointed a few moons ago, Nephele diligently works to learn the art of their craft, while caring for their pawful of a younger sister with a motherly heart. When some struggle to trust their youth, Nephele struggles to make themselves heard as a new rank of the Atari - but spirits above, for all their vices and emotional state, they try. 

❁ A lover of flower scents and streaming water.

❁ A diligent fighter with a preference for the role of trapper.

❁ Cousin to Saturn, niece to Orion on mother's side (and open to further family).

❁ Currently the main caretaker of their younger sister, Reverie.

❁ Raised to be eternally loyal to the Atari; not a supporter of RiverClan.

Nephele's ascend to being a healer was one filled with anxiety; though they had shown a keen ability to heal from a young age, when Nephele submerged themselves in the pool of Glimmerall, Nephele remained underwater for an exceptionally long amount of time. Several had begun to think they had drowned when, finally, they came out alive.

❁ ❁ ❁

Roughly a moon ago Nephele had set out to seek for their mother, gone missing several days prior, under the guise of gathering herbs. Instead, Nephele returned with Reverie, their younger sister whom they took under their care, claiming their mother had died to give her life. However, some seem to doubt that claim, as their mother had shown nor claimed sign of pregnancy before her mysterious disappearance.

"Sometimes it hurts more to care, to love. And it is easier to grow cold. But to become your worst enemy...
Promise me, to never stop caring."

Becoming a Healer.

- To become a healer was never my main plan. All I intended for was to keep my family and home safe, like the generations before me. But one day, someone grew sick, and rumour held that our healer lacked the herb needed to heal them. The season was cold and baren, it was no surprise. But I couldn't watch them suffer. So, I tried to find the herb myself. And I did, somehow, I found a small cavern whose edges hosted a plant unknown to myself, but which led to the feline's recovery. When they did, I was approached by the Crown. They wanted me to become a healer. I was sceptical, my assessment was near. But I saw no reason to deny. That was nearly five moons ago now, I don't regret my decision.

Being a Healer.

- I am still learning, I do not know everything. But I find myself accepting this path I was put upon. I am able to help the Atari and that is what matters, my knowledge has kept many a cat safe, with the aid of my superior's teachings. Though, I feel that more cats should know how to treat a wound in a moment of panic; not enough cats look into the knowledge, even if it may save their or someone else's life. 

Views on The Crown.

- The Crown is present to lead, but serve the cats of the Atari all the same. As am I. A crown that cannot put the Atari's well-being before themselves is no worthy Crown. But, as is, they have been a fair ruler and I accept their presence and ideas. Admittedly some are better fitted than others, but so far, we have yet to receive a tyrannical ruler. If we did... If they could not care for the Atari, working with only selfish intent; I am unsure I would be able to accept that. The Atari requires one who cares, not one who only seeks power over the Atari's well-being.

Views on the Atari.

- The Atari is my home. Our life has been peaceful, our ways fair; The Atari has survived for many moons. If ever a threat against us should arise, I hold no doubt that we will be able to face them and persevere once more with little casualties. As much I hope.

The future.

- I know some doubt my words. My mother's sudden disappearance, Reverie's arrival - some might doubt me because of it, I will not fathom that there aren't a few who believe my mother to have abandoned us, and fear that I will do the same. I do not blame them, even if these thoughts anger me. I am ruled by emotion, it seems, I am unable to hide much of my feelings. I have always been quick to act on an emotional bias; but it's only benefit is that it should be proof of my loyalty to the Atari. I cannot see myself living elsewhere, I do not wish to, and most certainly would not join one who does the Atari harm.

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