The dark prince
Never enough, the dark prince is always fighting for his life. Born sick as can be, growing up with illness after illness, obstacle after obstacle, his life has never been easy. Few thought he would make it. But here he stands, determined to prove them all wrong and uncover the truth of his past. The dark prince does not allow himself to be beaten down, never again.
-> Elkit - Elkpaw - Smolderingpaw.
-> 19 moons.
-> Apprentice.
Previously Kit, Outsider.
-> ShadowClan.
Previously RiverClan, Outsider.
-> Born June 30th 2022.
-> 50% Kittypet/Thc, 50% Shc.
-> Elk: hopes of him becoming stronger.
Paw: suffix given to apprentices.
-> The little rat the illegitimate son, the forgotten son.
-> Male - He/Him.
-> No orientation.
-> Cancer.
-> Mentored by Lynxshade.
+ Compassionate / Ambitious / Calm +
= Snarky / Clingy / Antisocial / Pouty =
- Rude / Cynical / Fickle -
On one side very clingy, yet on the other refusing to play with others. This kit is complicated, a pain, and very picky on those he will grace with his presence. Buuuut can also be a little sweetheart who will go out of his way to get you a plump mouse when you're feeling sad. And listen. He really isn't that mean, he just doesn't want to talk to you. Big difference. There's a select handful of cat's he'll approach, ranging from his family to maybe one or two friends, just for the sake of not being alone because he absolutely hates that. Being alone makes him panic and he doesn't like to panic, so yes, he will be clinging to those he knows for dear life. But on the bright side, he isn't really needy - he'll just calmly be sitting there, besides you, silently watching if it's of any interest, or listening.
Now with his small size and frail appearance, he hates it being pointed out. Very much so, as it gives him the impression that they think he won't amount to anything. And his occasional sickly lapses don't help. Although currently a bit fickle in that area, it pushes his ambitions to wanting to be better than any one else, but is easy to give up when he doesn't reach his goal within a few tries max. The two areas kind of oppose each other, but that is to be changed in the future through learning experiences and development.
His trust in others is just a fickle, because usually most have an ulterior goal, no? He doesn't want himself or anyone to fall for that. In other words, it takes some time for him to get used to someone and at some point not believe their only goal is to run him over if they got of on the wrong foot. Additionally, he isn't exactly very talkative. Especially during his younger moons, he won't want to talk much unless he's specifically spoken to, or if it is of the utmost importance. There are some exceptions to that depending of who he is with and what is being said, of course, but otherwise he generally won't speak much unless spoken to. And then there's hoping he won't say something that might get him in trouble if he does speak.
Born to Elmshadow and Leafecho, he has five littermates: Falconkit [brother], Flintkit [brother], Magnoliakit [brother], Heronkit [sister] and a stillborn sibling. These are either deceased or missing.
He doesn't know his biological mother or father, and was adopted by Doeheart following his birth. This earned him four more siblings whom he believes are his littermates: Bearkit [brother], Shellkit [brother], Brightkit [brother] and Firekit [sister]. These are also either deceased or missing.
He has many half-siblings through both Elmshadow and Leafecho, and thus has many nieces, nephews, uncles and aunts as well. Too many to name.
-> Original form.
-> He is highly allergic to salmon, and once nearly died discovering it.
-> He left RiverClan on his own accord, realising his sister, Heronkit, had been right about them all along.
-> He gave himself an apprentice name out of spite.
-> Family is important to him, and wants to join ShadowClan to be with Elmshadow.
-> After witnessing his sister nearly drown, he's grown terrified of water.